How to help ERP with overproduction and overstock of material requirements? Production ERP and Production Planning ERP



In this era, the world is moving towards automation and digitization. Things have changed drastically past 20 years. The next decade will witness a change in the lifestyle of people along with a change in work done in industries. Automation itself is not sufficient to make all tasks digitize and manageable. Here comes the role of Production Planning ERP. Production ERP is a management platform to manage all the production processes.

Every activity in the production task is then taken into consideration in production ERP. Based on the activities associated with the production process the Production planning ERP is designed. One can compare values with the ideal to real and get variations related to the activity. Efforts are being made to reduce the gap and get the best results for higher production.

Higher production or overproduction can be obtained when the production process is efficient and effective. Efficient production is related to all activities that are done timely along with the proper time of completion. In an effective production process, the quality of material produced along with proper units produced is taken into consideration.

It starts with the recording activities of Purchase of raw materials to inventory management. All this is compared from ideal to real. From inventory to the production process to budgeting all records are collected. Budgeting leads to business operation management which then leads to sales of units.

If at every point we have a system that directs us to achieve our goal of qualitative and quantitative management, we can achieve growth. Growth is the outcome of more products on the regular basis. We compare the material required to the production units on a timely basis.

Production planning ERP is an integral part of the business unit if they want to increase the production from the available material requirement. Following is how Production ERP helps to increase the production and growth of the organization.

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1. Error Less Process

With the use of production planning, ERP one can achieve an error-less process. In the ERP process, we input all the data. This data is the base of the production process. A proper workflow is designed in the system. Under If then condition the whole production process is automated. When such automation happens then from raw material to the final product is automated.

There could be human interference at some stages when required. But the majority of the process is automatic. This leads to getting a proper calculation of the amount of output that can be obtained. Here from procurement to assembling the material the whole production process is automated.

The input is only of the raw material. We can get the final product on time with all the prior knowledge of the amount of output. If we compare it with the manual process of production then there are various chances of error at various stages. When errors are less or none then we can get an exact output of the product. Along with this time is also saved which leads to production than earlier and appropriate material requirements.

2. Analysis Of Bulk Data 

In the production process, so much data is generated on daily basis. With the use of Production Planning ERP, we can easily manage all the data. Production management ERP is mainly cloud-based. In cloud computing and management, data is not lost and can be retrieved at any time from anywhere from the system that is connected to the internet.

Easy analysis of data can be done. When the data is categorized then we can easily analyze data. The system provides an easy way in which the process should be carried out. We can also obtain cost reductions when we have a proper analysis done of the data. Along with this, it helps in decision-making for present and prospects.

We can get a proper managerial approach to the process and this leads to getting more production done and meeting the material requirements of the production process.

3. Every Step Is Digitized

In the Production Planning ERP, the whole production process of the company is managed effectively and efficiently. At various stages in the use of the Production management ERP such as

  1. Configuration of the process,
  2. The input of the data,
  3. Management of process,
  4. Automation of process,
  5. Data storage
  6. Alert notification
  7. Timely output

All the above are handled by the production management ERP. Here every step is digitized. We can get all the data of every step involved in the production management process. This is very important for any company because this data is of at most importance to the company. The owner of the company can view the data and at any point in time, he can come to know what is happening in the production process.

So whenever there is an emergency then that can be easily handled by the management. For example, if there is a need for more production at a given period, then there is all the data of the material that is present in which department. The Manager can easily know about the material present, what is the need, and also how to get the best output for the given period.

This leads to more production and better results to meet the material requirements.

4. Prior Knowledge Of Every Process

One of the important features of production management ERP is that the employees have prior knowledge of the whole workflow that can be carried out. The main workflow is set in the system and configured. One can have a better understanding of the whole production process with the set parameters.

This is not the same as of manual production process. For example, an employee who has years of experience does know the whole production process, but this is not the same with the newcomers. They do not have the experience to work under emergency conditions. To this, the production management ERP is well equipped to handle such situations. All the parameters are set and also how to work under emergency can also be set.

The newcomers or fewer experience people can get all such information from the system and no need to ask for help for anyone. In the company, adverse situations are always common. To this, the production management ERP can act as a helping hand for better production and meet the material requirements on time.

5. Better Connectivity – Better Output

The production management ERP as a system works in an altogether different way as compared to the manual production process. The whole production process system is connected via a different medium. Like the employees who are in the production process are connected to the ERP.

Along with this, all the information on the material requirement, machinery, procurement process, rates, demand data, production process data, etc. is present in the application. In a way, we can get a centralized approach to the production planning process. There will be notifications in every process to the people who are associated with the production process.

Now if there are any changes in the internal management then that can be easily sorted out by the use of production planning ERP. For example, in the production process of a company if there is a shortage of raw materials. The production process for that is going to be held two days after then manager can easily come to know about this and can prepare for procurement of raw material. He can have easy access to the people associated with the production process and can easily manage adversity.

So when the whole production process system is centrally connected company can get better output and can run smoothly.

6. Meet Demand On Time

For the company, it is very important to meet demand on a timely basis. They have promised the customer the approximate time at which the final product can be delivered. Now if suppose company is not able to meet that demand then the bad impression is created and it affects future work order of the company.

At this, the use of Production Planning ERP is very important. With the use of Production Planning ERP, we can get to know all the details of the production process. From procurement to the final product every step is digitized. Managers can easily visualize what is going on in the company and remain alert for any changes. Time to time notification can be obtained and things can easily be managed.

Now if suppose there is any change in the process managers can easily handle it can this lead to meeting the demand on time.

7. Waste Management

Any waste generated by the company has to monitor very well. It could be hazardous based on the production process. Moreover, waste generation could be a kind of loss for the company based on the type of production process the company is in.

With the use of Production planning ERP, we can get a much closer look to cut down the waste generation and get the best output from the raw material. Along with that, some waste generated could be a useful product for some other process. We can effectively manage this too. Proper management systems with the best know-how and analysis are obtained. This leads to better output for the company.

Better output means the best product and it could also be over-production when we minimize waste generation. So with the required material, we can get more better and good results.

Recommended for you: How To Help The Manufacturing Or Production Management ERP For Production Cost Identification?


Production Planning ERP is used by various companies as they have a wide range of benefits. It helps in getting much better results than the traditional way in which the production process was carried out. Every step is then digitized and effective management can be laid out. In any emergency with the use of production ERP better results can be obtained.

Along with that production planning, ERP helps in the reduction of waste material and errors in the process. We can have a centralized approach to handling the whole production process. We can get the final product on time and with the best quality. With the available material, we can get overproduction. This leads to more revenue and profit for the company.


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